No text contrast when a dark "selected item back color" is chosen

Submitted by TMZ on 2024/04/26 06:18

v1.125.2 - In dark mode, when a dark "selected item back color" is chosen, the text is also dark and consequently become illegible. In v1.125.1 it worked fine. 
I don't see an option to change the text color on selected (and previously selected) item, which would solve the problem. I would also appreciate if you added a color setting option for previously selected item back color (applies to situations when you navigate between grids open in different windows). 

Some text foreground colors in the grid are off in 1.125.0Pre7

Submitted by LeftEccoForIQ on 2024/04/21 08:54

Set text / "foreground" color for an item in a grid, the color that is actually used in the grid is much darker than the color chosen from the menu / a dialog. For example, this nice bright pale red tone

will come out as something nastily brownish.

It does not seem to affect all colors but for me it definitely happens for R255/G90/B90 as well as some others.

Ctrl+Tab switch from Home Page to Tags grid triggers immediate crash

Submitted by jimspoon on 2024/04/05 09:45

I had way too many grids open, so I started going through them using Ctrl+Tab and using Ctrl+W to close unneeded grids.  At one point I used Ctrl+Tab to tab from the Home Page to the Tags grid.  When I did this IQ crashed immediately.  I tried it again after restarting IQ and it crashed again.  After restart I tried just clicking on the Tags grid to see if that would trigger the crash, but it did not; the Tags grid loaded as it should.  I closed the Tags grid with a mouse click to prevent further crashes.    

Two issues with the Pop-up "View by Form"

Submitted by viking on 2024/03/27 22:52

Pop-up View by Form

1. If I delete some values and click on Save, the values are not deleted.

2. After setting values and clicking on Save, the values are not saved. This only happens when the Grid is displayed as a "sub-tab" Pane in a dash-board type grid (still not sure what to call this?). It works fine when the grid is displayed as a normal grid.


Both operations above work fine when using the form in the Properties Pane.