I. General Rules
  1. No spamming
  2. No personal attacks / Insulting behavior / language will be tolerated. Such posts may be deleted / edited.
  3. Patience is virtue. It may take 20 minutes for someone to answer you, or it may take a few days. Only bump your post if no response for 3-4 days. We do our best, but we're humans and things do fall into cracks. So you're welcomed to bump your post to remind us... after 3-4 days only
  4. If you want to settle an issue with a particular user, do this privately. The public forum is NOT the place for this. To contact a user, click on the user and enter your message on the "Contact" tab. If the user choose to hide his contact tab, contact us and we'll forward the email.
  5. Make sure you post in the right area and keep the posts on topic.
  6. Do not discuss illegal activities.
  7. Check that your question has not been answered anywhere else on the site. Use the search feature. If a thread already discuss a subject closely related to your issue, use that thread instead of creating a new one.
  8. Make sure you have read through the thread before you post a reply.
  9. Choose an appropriate subject line. A good subject line would be "How to hide a column in a grid" instead of "Please help me".
  10. Include as much information as you can when seeking help. Nobody will be able to help you if you don't give sufficient details. If reporting what seems like a bug, include at a minimum:
    1. OS, Version
    2. IQ Version
    3. Whether the same issue exists when using a new IQBase
  11. Thank those who help you. This makes the community stronger.
II. Things to keep in mind
  1. InfoQube is currently free software, in public beta. The current beta is not feature complete, so please lower your expectations.
  2. This community web site is supported by volunteers. Be kind to others, they're not paid to be here and like you, have busy schedules.
  3. The IQ User Manual is a community effort. Please lower your expectations. These very generous users spend quite a bit of time updating the documentation, but IQ is evolving quickly, so it is hard to keep up. Please appreciate what's there, instead of complaining about what's missing. Make constructive comments on how this documentation could be improved and why not... take the time to contribute yourself
  4. IQ is a complex program, based on an unusual concept. It is normal to be confused (and perhaps frustrated) at first. Give yourself time to discover the IQ paradigm.
  5. You may be asked if you've read the user manual, or specific sections of it. If you have, please don't take it personally. This is the first step in helping out and often, once pointed in the right direction, users can solve their own issue. If you have read it, simply respond by a polite: I have read that page, Thanks
  6. Each release (every 1-2 months with updates every week or so) expires after 90 days. Once expired, you can fully use the application, the only limitation is that new data cannot be entered. Simply download the latest version to get an additional 90 days of free use, or donate $30 or more to acquire a personal license. Details here.
  7. Official version 1.0 release is planned for Q4 2017.
  8. When reporting what looks like a bug, please follow Bug reporting procedure
 This community web site is provided , at no cost , for your own use... please make good use of it.