Submitted by David_H on 2019/06/23 15:37
Google Calendar is now integrating tasks much more tightly than it used to. You can schedule tasks straight from the calendar, and even assign them a completion time in addition to a date (4:00 PM on July 5). Tasks also shows up as a "calendar" on the left panel where you select and deselect your calendars, though technically it does not have any settings available for it, as the other calendar do.
Is it possible to enhance the IQ calendar sync functionality so that the tasks calendar also shows up as a calendar in IQ? Has Google exposed that functionality? I'd like it to be able to function like the other calendar dos.
Supporting Google tasks and subtasks could be a much longer range goal. At that point you'd have a complete cloud sync solution for both calendar and tasks.


Is it possible to enhance the IQ calendar sync functionality so that the tasks calendar also shows up as a calendar in IQ? Has Google exposed that functionality? I'd like it to be able to function like the other calendar dos.
A planned enhancement to the IQ Calendar is to support showing any date field, not just events. This would allow you to show Todo's for example, right in the Calendar
IQ Designer

Just for reference, recently Thunderbird improved the calendar and you can read (not write) Google Task lists.