Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2017/01/24 22:47
Hi IQ Users !
Coming in the next version (v0.9.92) : 
  • Preview: IQ Surface: A brand new view of your data. Infinite sized canvas where you can put / show items. Expand / Collapse. Show / Hide items.
    Sub-items appear under the parent item but can be pulled away for a more mind-map look. Fully integrated with the rest of InfoQube.
  • New: Grid: Outline Labels. See 2. Outline Labels for details

  • New: Grid: Source Item Sort can be named and support different sort for sub-items. Format: SortName: Sort string | Sub-Item Sort string
  • New: Grid > Sort > Source Item Sort now has a submenu, showing recently used sort strings
  • New: Grid: WYSIWYG editor: If the edit window height is increased (Alt+Down Arrow), the editor will no longer close through cursor movements
  • New: Grid: Ctrl + 0 completely expands selected items (no level limit). Expansion will stop in case of recursion of course
  • New: Grid: If more than 1 column is selected, a confirmation dialog is shown when removing columns. Also, the tree column cannot be removed. To remove it, set the tree to another column first.
  • New: MapView: Expand states now match the expand states of the corresponding grid
  • New: MapView: Support Ctrl + 1-9 to expand / collapse current item
  • New: MapView: Ctrl + 0 completely expands selected items (no level limit). Expansion will stop in case of recursion of course
  • New: MapView: Item > Mark item and Item > Add Marked Item as Children commands are now working
  • New: HTML pane: Edit > Paste: If there is only one format in the clipboard, the select format dialog is not shown (i.e. such as when pasting an image)
  • New: Properties pane: No longer need to go in edit mode to paste. Paste can be done in both columns of the pane (field and field-value)
  • New: Properties pane: Double-click on Home (or right-click) shows all items with the same home
  • New: Field Properties: Default alignments for fields: Text: Left, Date and Y/N: Centered, Number: Right
  • New: EmailToIQ: Right-click on the EmailToIQ command to re-import messages (uncheck Delete from Server for this to work)
  • New: Tools > Options: Option to show the close button on the selected tab only
  • Change: Grid: Context Parents is now a dropdown button
  • Change: Grid: Ctrl + 1-9 now expands / collapses the selected items. use Shift +Ctrl + 1-9 to do it on all items
  • Change: Grid > Labels on tree column no longer hides the # column (shrink width or hide column if needed).
  • Fixed: Grid: Hiding the # column as not saved, so it re-appeared the next time the grid was opened
  • Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop a file / URL onto the blank portion of a grid did not work
  • Fixed: Grid: column sort commands did not sort sub-items even though the menu is set to sort items and sub-items (manual sort)
  • Fixed: Grid: Item sort commands did not sort sub-items even though the menu is set to sort items and sub-items (manual sort)
  • Fixed: Grid: Ctrl+Click did not allow selection of more than 1 item
  • Fixed: Popup editor: Floating formatting toolbar disappeared sometimes. Now shown on the bottom left corner of the window
  • Fixed: MapView: Icon to show item has HTML content is not always shown
  • Fixed: MapView: Recursion could cause infinite loop and crash
  • Fixed: MapView: If layout is set to Horizontal, cursor keys do not work as expected
  • Fixed: HTML pane: Paste text containing "<", such as "" as text does not paste (it was interpreted as an HTML tag)
  • Fixed: HTML pane: File > New > New HTML File did not work
  • Fixed: Properties pane: Right-click -> Show grid with same name was broken
  • Fixed: Properties Pane: Faster update when the field ItemHasHTML is shown. (perform a Repair to apply this fix)
  • Fixed: EmailToIQ: Setting the item parent on the email subject (such as #IDParent) did not set it as the main parent.
    So the item had a parent but it was not set as the main parent, so it did not show as a context parent.
    Database repair now fixes these kind of inconsistencies.
    Also, in such cases, the parent is now not shown in bold in the Properties pane, so users can right-click and select Set as Main Parent
  • Fixed: EmailToIQ: Emails are not retrieved when IQ is not the active program (doesn't have focus)
  • Fixed: EmailToIQ: EmailDate was not the actual email date but the date the email was imported in IQ
  • Fixed: HTML Export: Lock up if the File Overwrite dialog is shown
IQ Surface First Look:


This should open many more possibilities! Great for brainstorming, associating ideas, modeling, etc
(There's certainly a link to make with Jim's recent comment about linking (pun intended) -- those "maps" could show those "horizontal" (some would say heterarchical) links, probably even hyperlinks. Very few applications can show a variety of links in a convenient way.)


2017/01/25 12:19

In reply to by Armando

Yup... lots of interesting possibilities with this new view of your items !
IQ Designer

I see that it appears to be possible to manually insert text into a surface view?  Will it also be possible to manually draw arrow lines that exist on their own and are not dependent on the relationship of IQ items?  I'd find that infinitely useful, as it would allow more advanced diagrams to be created right within IQ.


2017/02/01 15:01

In reply to by David_H

I see that it appears to be possible to manually insert text into a surface view? [/quote]
The text is just an item... but yes, you can create items on the IQ Surface
[quote]Will it also be possible to manually draw arrow lines that exist on their own and are not dependent on the relationship of IQ items?[/quote]
In the first version, lines on the IQ Surface are parent-child links, so the short answer is No.
However as was discussed recently, and IIRC proposed by Armando, the Surface could be used to show the upcoming "Related Items" links, so when that's implemented, I guess the answer will be Yes
IQ Designer

"The text is just an item"
In your screenshot above, "Fix It!!!" and "New!" don't appear to be items (at least I don't see them in your item list), they look like something you just wrote on the canvas over the arrow line?  Which I see as a huge positive if that's possible, that's why I am asking.


2017/02/01 15:36

In reply to by David_H

OK, got it, I thought you were referring to the big red box.
Yes, links can have text associated with them. Currently only visible on the IQ Surface however
IQ Designer

"In the first version, lines on the IQ Surface are parent-child links, so the short answer is No."
If that's something that is easy to enable, I would find it infinitely useful to be able to manually draw lines on the page.  That they would only be visible on Surface is fine - that's as I'd expect it to me.  I have tried to use IQ for mind mapping - I think it's a natural for IQ and it's the best brainstorming tool there is - the only limitation is that your limited to the outline hierarchy so you can't show feedback loops etc.  Being able to manually draw a line would allow any type of diagram to be done.


2017/02/03 14:46

In reply to by David_H

If that's something that is easy to enable, I would find it infinitely useful to be able to manually draw lines on the page.  That they would only be visible on Surface is fine - that's as I'd expect it to me.  I have tried to use IQ for mind mapping - I think it's a natural for IQ and it's the best brainstorming tool there is - the only limitation is that your limited to the outline hierarchy so you can't show feedback loops etc.  Being able to manually draw a line would allow any type of diagram to be done.
It will come shortly after the Related Items feature.
You can already manually draw lines between items (behind the scene, IQ will create a parent - child link)
BTW, feedback loops can already be shown, since IQ supports recursion, in all "tree" UIs (Grid, MapView, Surface)
IQ Designer

 This is a big one - will there be a way to quickly expand/collapse the drawing nodes?  Ideally with the same commands that work for items (Cntrl + #).  I would use the current Mind Map view a lot more, but often when I load it it's collapsed, and I have to click on each note to expand, which is not efficient*.  As always, there may be a way, but I've tried all the standard shortcuts (Cntrl + #), right clicks etc. and have not found a command that expands and collapses.
*And I'm not sure under what conditions this happens.  Sometimes I open a mind map and it's expanded.  Other times it's collapsed.  It seems to have no relationship to whether the Item list is collapsed/expanded.


2017/02/10 14:34

In reply to by David_H

will there be a way to quickly expand/collapse the drawing nodes?  Ideally with the same commands that work for items (Cntrl + #).  I would use the current Mind Map view a lot more, but often when I load it it's collapsed, and I have to click on each note to expand, which is not efficient*.  As always, there may be a way, but I've tried all the standard shortcuts (Cntrl + #), right clicks etc. and have not found a command that expands and collapses.
*And I'm not sure under what conditions this happens.  Sometimes I open a mind map and it's expanded.  Other times it's collapsed.  It seems to have no relationship to whether the Item list is collapsed/expanded.
The Surface is not a "sub-view" like the MapView. It will always open to be the same as when it was last opened.
The MapView is dependent on the corresponding grid for items, so it does not have a defined state.
In v92, the MapView expand states will now match the expand states of the corresponding grid.
IQ Designer


2017/02/10 15:22

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

The Surface is not a "sub-view" like the MapView. It will always open to be the same as when it was last opened.
The MapView is dependent on the corresponding grid for items, so it does not have a defined state.
In v92, the MapView expand states will now match the expand states of the corresponding grid.
If it's never been opened before what will it default to?  Is there a way to default it to a expanded state?  Or a command that will be possible to expand and collapse?  This is an incredibly exciting feature and I do a ton of diagramming....I think it's usefulness will be dependent on not having to continually click to expand nodes. 
Thanks for the mind map change - that is fantastic.


2017/02/09 14:11

In reply to by Armando

 This is going to be a big release! 
I check in here every day looking for it .

Hope to get the # column reappearing fix as well. (don't see it listed)


2017/02/10 14:05

In reply to by ethanrox

Hope to get the # column reappearing fix as well. (don't see it listed)
I'll get to it soon, but most likely not in v92. Shrinking it to 2 pixels is not sufficient for you ? It is essentially invisible, is it not ?
IQ Designer


2017/02/12 06:41

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

I can live with the two pixels if the # column can be moved again at will to the right.
However, the left-most two pixels are very nagging for me. So much so that I haven't used a version past 89d.


2017/02/14 13:42

In reply to by ethanrox

Fixed in v92
IQ Designer


2017/02/15 04:02

In reply to by Pierre_Admin

Thanks :) Looking forward to using state-of-the art IQ again :)

BTW, feedback loops can already be shown, since IQ supports recursion, in all "tree" UIs (Grid, MapView, Surface)
How would I do this?  I don't know what "support recursion" means in a software context, but from a functional point of view I'd assume it means I'd be able to make a parent item (also) a child of one of its own children, as that's the only way I could see creating a feedback loop for map view.  However whenever I try to copy and paste an item in the grid it already exists in, so that I could do such a thing, it never works.  I always select option 4 when copying, and option 2 ("put the items in this grid") when pasting.  The screen will flash, but the item never pastes since (apparently) it's in the same grad.  Am I doing something wrong?


2017/02/16 21:18

In reply to by David_H

2 ways:
  • Mark items and then do Item > Add marked items as children
  • When doing drag-drop, hold Ctrl, this way, the new parent link will not replace the old
The sample app has a example of this (Map View Demo grid, and MapView > Example using a Pond eco-system)
IQ Designer

 Thanks Pierre.  Would it be possible to put a refresh button on Map View?  I've been working on some Maps the last few days and I keep the grid open on the left and the map on the right.  If I add items from the grid (rather than from the map),  they instantly show up in the map, but not in the right order.  I then have to close and reopen the map, or manually move them in the map.  I believe a Refresh button for the map would solve that?  I notice it does solve the problem in reverse - if I add an item from the Map, if I refresh the grid it shows up where it should.