Submitted by lucasd on 2024/04/24 18:55

For those of us who like to use IQ Grids for writing rather than using the Document Pane, the question of file name length limits will be a key question when it comes to syncing with Obsidian. Based on some initial searching, it sounds like Windows file paths are typically limited to 260 characters, but that limit can be lifted. And it sounds like Android limits are typically similar, although on some phones it could be half that. So I guess I could just have a Grid that collects any items that are too long... Any thoughts?



True, the other issue is multiple items with the same item text. In my outlines, this happens quite often. This will break the OB sync and its hierarchy view. Eventually, IQ could generate unique filenames for such cases.

Also, my items often have embedded hyperlinks. This cannot be synced to OB, one needs to put the URL in the URL field (IQ automatically fills that field when pasting (from Edge at least, should be the same for other browsers), so after pasting the link, simply hit Ctrl+Z to undo the paste. The URL field content is not erased!

It is clear that the concept is to use the Doc pane as much as possible

Interesting, yes, I was also wondering about the case of items with the same text, although I was thinking that maybe the file system would automatically add "(1)" or something if the files are in the same folder.

But for the issue of item length, I am now considering that maybe I could just create an IQ text field such as [ItemLong] as my tree field and do outline writing there, and then use a formula or script to automatically convert [Item] to the first, say, 100 characters of [ItemLong] for any items that have a value for [ItemLong]. 

Hi Lucas,

This idea isn't bad by any means, but the use of the Item field as tree column is definitely recommended, and use of another field is at your own risk LOL, as it isn't tested very often. 

A better long term solution is probably a more intelligent way to determine the file name of an item, so they are unique in each folder. Ideally this should be unique in the vault, though I think OB doesn't enforce this (to be validated)

Adding the ItemID to the filename is perhaps the best option, if anyone knows of an OB plug-in that can hide this extra info when displaying the note, it would make this really attractive

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