Submitted by lucasd on 2023/11/06 16:46

Here is a long-standing minor issue that keeps coming up for me. Let's say I am using a grid with columns, and I have a long paragraph of text in the 'Item' field. (This often happens when importing text, for example.) I scan through the paragraph, and decide where I want to split the item. I double-click to enter edit mode, but upon doing so, the wrapping/spacing of the paragraph changes, so I have to search again for the place where I had decided to split. (It seems that either the text gets slightly bigger or else maybe the wrapping width gets slightly smaller when entering edit mode, which seems to cause this issue.)

The workaround for now is just to remember to enter edit mode right away before starting to read the text, but it would great to get this fixed at some point.

(Let me know if this needs further explanation/clarification.)



Hi Lucas,

Perfectly clear and a known issue. I'll see if it can be improved (it was fine-tuned a while back) but it is difficult to match the wrapping between 2 distinct rendering engines: The grid and the embedded rich-text editor.

To make the matter worse, I don't control the wrapping logic for these which have different breaking / non-breaking characters sets.

I'd recommend pressing F2 or the spacebar to enter edit as you're reading the text and thinking about splitting it in 2.


Thanks! That does sound complicated to fine-tune, and perhaps it would also depend on fonts. Actually, I was forgetting that I can use spacebar to enter edit mode. That does make it easier, so this is a fine workaround for now.

