Submitted by viking on 2023/08/04 04:05

I have read about home pages here 8. Home Pages.
"The main purpose of the Home Page is to provide links to pertinent information, such as relevant items, grids, pivot tables, mapviews, etc."

It is not clear to me if I also can add items to the home page (not links to an item, but an item)? Then, when I select the item, the document page would show information for the item (which may be text, a web page etc), like it does for a regular item in a grid.

Can I somehow add items to the home page (it doesn't need to have any field values, but may be useful in some situations)? Maybe I could create the items in a grid and then copy/paste them into the home page?

If this is currently not possible, please consider this a feature request; it would be very useful :-)!  Expand/collapse of the items group would be icing on the cake...


p.s. I thought first that I may be able to add favorites to the home page, but those are just links to items in other grids and will not show the document pane info.


No, this is not possible since you can't select on a web page. Only links

The only hack is to set your item to be a Home page (in Doc pane menu), then you can navigate to that item with the << >> buttons (top right). But it is a hack!

OK, thanks.
I may use a detached grid as a "home page" instead. Not as fancy, but it can also have links to other grids and, of course, also show items that can display info in the Doc pane.
May just take some more work to set it up (e.g. creating links for all my grids)

How do I ?