Submitted by viking on 2023/04/16 21:06

I have a lot of contacts that I plan to import into IQ.
I can put the phone numbers, addresses, E-mails, URLs etc in fields or in the Doc pane (using some standard format).

The advantage with using the Doc pane is that it is already there and provides a convenient way to see all information at once (my AddressBook is detached and not very wide so it is difficult to scroll the columns).
Furthermore, many contacts have several phone numbers (e.g. a business with different departments) and it is unpractical to have 10 fields for phone numbers 1 to 10,....

I wonder if other IQ users use the Doc Pane for contact information?
Any Cons that I may not be thinking of...?


p.s. I plan to use a function that copies the fields, for existing contacts, into the Doc pane.



You can put any info in the Doc pane, but remember it uses HTML format.

I would use one or more fields and enter 1 or more phone numbers in each. You can also use sub-items to enter contact information that is extra/rarely used/old/outdated

As with most information management systems, it is best to use the KISS principle - Wikipedia

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