Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2023/02/22 12:52

Hi IQ Users !

InfoQube v121 added Evernote Tags sync, enhanced Forms and many other improvements.

With v122, it is now possible to have multiple Surface Views and to have a Doc pane for a specific grid tab

(download link)

In v122w:

  1. New: Grid: Can now add a Doc pane. Only content of that tab will show in that Doc pane. View>Document>New Document Pane. Details here
  2. New: Grid: Enhanced Cut and Paste. Now supports cut and paste items
  3. New: Grid: Option to set the Highlight color
  4. New: Grid: IsDashboard property. If checked, the grid itself will not be shown. Only panes inside this grid will show. Basically, this grid becomes just a container for other views
  5. New: Grid and Properties pane: Dates: Supports entering week day names. i.e. mo sets the date to next Monday. Supports 1 chr, 2 chrs and standard abbreviations (T, Tu for Tuesday, R, Th for Thursday)
  6. New: Grid: File hyperlinks now try to resolve the file path (in case it was moved or to support different file paths on different PCs)
  7. New: Grid: Paste items: option to paste as siblings or as sub-items
  8. New: Grid: Copy / Paste: IQ Item clipboard format now only shown for Paste Special
  9. New: Grid: Copy / paste from Outlook now has option to paste as sub-items
  10. New: Grid: Mark as Done: Dialog shown when an items in the selection already have a value. Option to only update those without, option to clear all values
  11. New: Repeating events and tasks: Changing the Done date now shows a dialog to sets the date value to the next event instance (does not yet support repeat exceptions however)
  12. New: Grid: Copy / Paste from Outlook: Email content is now imported into the Doc pane
  13. New: Surface: Surface Views! Implemented as a grid sub-view, the same Card Views. You can now have multiple Surfaces, one per grid
  14. New: Surface: Support drag-drop IQ items to the Surface
  15. New: Surface: Clean-up command. Initially will simply provide the option of removing all hidden items. Other "clean-up" features may be added eventually
  16. New: Surface: Support copy/paste IQ items to the Surface
  17. New: Surface: Command to show extended links. If On, when an item has more than 1 link, each link is shown as a separate line
  18. New: Calendar: Detaching a tab now creates a floating pane
  19. New: Calendar: Google Sync: Numerous improvements
  20. New: Calendar: Left pane now shows an entry for yesterday's events
  21. New: Calendar: Turns off the time scale when the day height is below a user-defined threshold (in px). Default=300, minimum=200
  22. New: Card View: Each view can now have different parameters (background color, show links, etc)
  23. New: Card View and Surface View: Select many items and use Ctrl+Arrows to resize all to the same width / height
  24. New: Card View: Arrow keys select the next card (in a similar fashion as grids)
  25. New: Card View: Shift+Arrow keys scrolls the view. Scroll can also be done through touchscreen 1 finger touch and two-finger touchpad
  26. New: Card View: Lock icon shown when the item is locked
  27. New: Doc pane: Automatically hide the Doc pane if the current tab already has one
  28. New: Surface: Detaching a tab now creates a floating pane (same as Card View and Home Page)
  29. New: Surface: Ctrl+Arrow keys now size items (same as Card View)
  30. New: Surface: Ctrl+Space toggles expand/collapse
  31. New: Surface: Links in and out of the selected item(s) are now emphasized
  32. New: Surface: When a link is selected, the Delete key will now delete the link
  33. New: Timeline view: Support for precision touchpads
  34. New: Live-Search: Search text now shows a dropdown list of previous searches
  35. New: Live-Search: Copy now adds the IQ Items clipboard format (can be used to add items to a new location)
  36. New: Doc pane: In Browse mode, double-click to switch to edit mode (useful when Auto-Browse is On)
  37. New: Item Editors: Dialog now shown when opening an IQBase
  38. New: Properties pane: Siblings and Children sections are not updated when collapsed. Improves UI responsiveness, in particular for large hierarchies
  39. New: Properties pane: Copy command for Siblings, Children and Marked items
  40. New: Properties pane: Forms can now show default values. Press Ctrl+Shift to view these
  41. New: Hyperlink dialog: Now resizable!
  42. New: Tabs: For vertical tabs, a splitter bar is now shown. Click to resize tabs
  43. New: Toolbar Customize now supports creating buttons for specific colors (text color, back color). Click on a color dropdown and simply drag a user color to a toolbar. User colors are those that appear first in the list
  44. New: Improved Related Items toolbar
  45. New: Tags toolbar
  46. New: Status bar: Right-click now shows a menu of what to display
  47. New: Status bar: Can now show Tags
  48. New: Reminders: Added Previous 7 and 14 days, Next 7 days options
  49. New: Reminders: multiple improvements
  50. New: If Backup on close is checked, closing a backup file no longer creates a backup. For time-stamped file, this could lead to long file names
  51. New: Database Tools: Mask data now keeps the same number of characters for text fields, masks events and disables all sync services
  52. New: Database management: Rebuild command. Use this when Repair doesn't work
  53. New: Database Repair: Empty Date Created value is now replaced with Modified Date
  54. New: Send Emails dialog: major rework
  55. New: Options: Vertical tabs: Option to show / hide the splitter bar
  56. Change: Default hot keys are now Alt+Win+C and Alt+Win+N (no conflict with Windows 10/11 hotkeys)
  57. Change: Improved Card View / Surface View list dropdown menu
  58. Change: Doc pane / Item Editor: Mini-toolbar was buggy. Replaced with improved context menus
  59. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop an parent to be the child of a child did not work correctly (now displays a dialog to confirm action)
  60. Fixed: Grid: Improved handling of some clipboard formats
  61. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG Editor: Ctrl+X causes huge memory spike on Windows 11 and C++ runtime error crash sometimes
  62. Fixed: Grid: Copy cell did not work when the column was the first in a header group
  63. Fixed: Grid: Column Filter: Dropdown was incorrect for numeric columns
  64. Fixed: Grid: Delete item from this location did not work when item is a sub-item
  65. Fixed: Grid: If some columns are hidden, header move up/down did not always work
  66. Fixed: Grid: Some operations did not work correctly when the grid source was a tag (as opposed to using a field as a source)
  67. Fixed: Grid: Improved copy / paste from Outlook to IQ
  68. Fixed: Grid: Deleting the last sub-item did not remove the expand button
  69. Fixed: Grid: Paste as IQ Items: If a hoisted grid, now adds to the Hoist
  70. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop from Outlook did not always insert the item under the correct parent item
  71. Fixed: Mark item as Done: Next Task Actions were not triggered
  72. Fixed: Gantt: First week day was always Sunday
  73. Fixed: Google Connect dialog was not able to connect to a Google account for some users
  74. Fixed: Calendar: If focus was on another application, scrolling did not update the display
  75. Fixed: Google Sync: Changing All Day to/from Scheduled events failed
  76. Fixed: Surface: Deleted items were not always removed from the Surface
  77. Fixed: Surface: Closing IQ did not save the recent changes to the Surface layout
  78. Fixed: Surface: Alt+Arrow keys did move items if the Surface is in a floating pane
  79. Fixed: Surface: Removing a link caption did not work
  80. Fixed: Surface: Some settings were not saved
  81. Fixed: Surface: Hyperlinks did not work
  82. Fixed: Timeline: Zoom in/out outside of the bars area did not work
  83. Fixed: Live-Search: For the Search textbox, Cut / Copy / Paste / Undo shortcuts did not work
  84. Fixed: Live-Search: Whole word option did not always return all matches
  85. Fixed: Live-Search: When focus is on the results grid, Ctrl+A did not select all items
  86. Fixed: Live-Search: Drag-drop items to other UIs no longer worked!
  87. Fixed: Pivot Table and Charts: Failed to open if the grid was not set to be visible to other apps
  88. Fixed: Doc pane / Item Editor: Extra tags were included when selection was an entire line
  89. Fixed: Doc pane: Focus was not always returned to the pane after showing some dialogs
  90. Fixed: Doc pane: Tags and Related dialogs did not move focus back to the doc pane
  91. Fixed: Doc pane: Insert Image, Table, etc did not work
  92. Fixed: Doc pane: Checkboxes linked to a field did not work
  93. Fixed: Doc pane: Opening the Doc pane did not initially show the focused item content
  94. Fixed: Doc pane: Crash could occur when copying text (after showing the hyperlink context menu)
  95. Fixed: Doc pane: Item text control was not updated correctly
  96. Fixed: Doc pane: Improved text and back color
  97. Fixed: Item Editor: Undo did not work
  98. Fixed: Item Editors: Focus issues could lock up the UI
  99. Fixed: Properties pane: Drag-drop fields in forms changed the window scroll position
  100. Fixed: Properties pane: children copy command did not work
  101. Fixed: Properties pane: Some smart fields were not updated correctly
  102. Fixed: Forms dialog: FileName and FilePath fields did not work
  103. Fixed: Forms dialog: Created, Home and Main Parent were not set correctly
  104. Fixed: Panes: Showing a dialog did not always restore the focus to the correct pane
  105. Fixed: Hyperlink dialog: Ctrl+X and Ctrl+C shortcuts did not work
  106. Fixed: Hyperlinks: ItemID | GridName (to open an item in a specific grid) did not work
  107. Fixed: Hyperlinks: GridID : GridName (to open a grid by its ID) did not work
  108. Fixed: Home Page: Opening an IQBase showed a dialog to select a program
  109. Fixed: Reminders: Support for Dropbox sync
  110. Fixed: Reminders: Sort order was changed when changing time range
  111. Fixed: Item Editor: Sync checkbox did not work (shows the item properties, tags, etc when the editor has focus)
  112. Fixed: Evernote Sync: Hyperlinks tags with extra attributes caused a sync failure
  113. Fixed: Evernote Sync: If an item could not be synced (locked by EN), IQ will attempt to sync it later on
  114. Fixed: Vertical tab resizer bar was sometimes buggy
  115. Fixed: Menu Customize: Some commands were not available during customization


Work on v123 has started and will include Evernote Sync enhancements, namely support for images 👍✔

$ Contribute to InfoQube Dev, for as little as $3.50 per month 🎁

IQ Designer



Hi IQ Users,

v122Pre5 is now online!

  1. New: Grid: Option to set the Highlight color
  2. New: Toolbar Customize now supports creating buttons for specific colors (text color, back color). Click on a color dropdown and simply drag a user color to a toolbar. User colors are those that appear first in the list
  3. New: Database Tools: Mask data now keeps the same number of characters for text fields, masks events and disables all sync services
  4. Change: Default hot keys are now Alt+Win+C and Alt+Win+N (no conflict with Windows 10/11 hotkeys)
  5. Fixed: Home Page: Opening an IQBase showed a dialog to select a program
  6. Fixed: Item Editor: Sync checkbox did not work (shows the item properties, tags, etc when the editor has focus)
  7. Fixed: Reminders: Support for Dropbox sync


IQ Designer 

Hi IQ Users,

v122b is now online:

  1. New: Grid and Properties pane: Dates: Supports entering week day names. i.e. mo sets the date to next Monday. Supports 1 chr, 2 chrs and standard abbreviations (T, Tu for Tuesday, R, Th for Thursday)
  2. New: Grid: IsDashboard property. If checked, the grid itself will not be shown. Only panes inside this grid will show. Basically, this grid becomes just a container for other views
  3. New: Calendar: Detaching a tab now creates a floating pane
  4. New: Card View: Lock icon shown when the item is locked
  5. New: Doc pane: In Browse mode, double-click to switch to edit mode (useful when Auto-Browse is On)
  6. New: Tags toolbar
  7. New: Improved Related Items toolbar
  8. New: Status bar: Can now show Tags
  9. New: Status bar: Right-click now shows a menu of what to display
  10. Fixed: Item Editor: Undo did not work
  11. Fixed: Reminders: Sort order was changed when changing time range

(download link)

IQ Designer 

Hi IQ Users!

v122d is now online:

  1. New: Tabs: For vertical tabs, a splitter bar is now shown. Click to resize tabs
  2. New: Send Emails dialog: major rework
  3. Fixed: Grid: Improved handling of some clipboard formats
  4. Fixed: Panes: Showing a dialog did not always restore the focus to the correct pane


IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users!

v122f is now online:

  1. Fixed: Doc pane: Tags and Related dialogs did not move focus back to the doc pane
  2. Fixed: Forms dialog: FileName and FilePath fields did not work

IQ Designer

Hi IQ Users!

v122g is now online with a long overdue fix (Google Sync):

  • New: Calendar: Google Sync: Numerous improvements
  • Fixed: Google Connect dialog was not able to connect to a Google account for some users
  • Fixed: Doc pane: Insert Image, Table, etc did not work
  • Fixed: Doc pane: Checkboxes linked to a field did not work


IQ Designer

    Hi IQ Users!

    v122h is now online.

    • Some users still had issues when connection to Google. Hopefully this is now fixed
    • Other reported bugs have also been fixed

    This should be the last of the v122 version series, as work has started on v123.
    (I'll be on vacation for the next month, cycling the Sardenian roads... and beaches too I'm sure)


    IQ Designer

    Hi IQ Users!

    Vacations are fun, but don't do much to perfect InfoQube and make it the best information manager 😯👍

    Work resumed last week and v122i is now online:

    1. New: Properties pane: Siblings and Children sections are not updated when collapsed. Improves UI responsiveness, in particular for large hierarchies
    2. Fixed: Grid: WYSIWYG Editor: Ctrl+X causes huge memory spike on Windows 11 and C++ runtime error crash sometimes
    3. Fixed: Pivot Table and Charts: Failed to open if the grid was not set to be visible to other apps
    4. Fixed: Doc pane / Item Editor: Extra tags were included when selection was an entire line
    5. Fixed: Doc pane: Focus was not always returned to the pane after showing some dialogs
    6. Fixed: Hyperlink dialog: Ctrl+X and Ctrl+C shortcuts did not work


    IQ Designer

    Hi IQ Users!

    Quick update with a few bug fixes. In v122j:

    • New: Grid: File hyperlinks now try to resolve the file path (in case it was moved or to support different file paths on different PCs)
    • Fixed: Grid: Copy cell did not work when the column was the first in a header group

    Available as a patch for now

    Hi IQ Users!

    v122k is now online:

    1. New: Options: Vertical tabs: Option to show / hide the splitter bar
    2. Fixed: Grid: Column Filter: Dropdown was incorrect for numeric columns
    3. Fixed: Evernote Sync: Hyperlinks tags with extra attributes caused a sync failure
    4. Fixed: Evernote Sync: If an item could not be synced (locked by EN), IQ will attempt to sync it later on
    5. Fixed: Vertical tab resizer bar was sometimes buggy


    IQ Designer

    Hi IQ Users!

    v122l is now online:

    1. New: Item Editors: Dialog now shown when opening an IQBase
    2. Fixed: Item Editors: Focus issues could lock up the UI


    IQ Designer

    Hi IQ Users!

    v122m is now online:

    1. New: Grid: Paste items: option to paste as siblings or as sub-items
    2. New: Properties pane: Copy command for Siblings, Children and Marked items
    3. Fixed: Hyperlinks: GridID : GridName (to open a grid by its ID) did not work
    4. Fixed: Hyperlinks: ItemID | GridName (to open an item in a specific grid) did not work

    The first entry (Copy / paste items) makes adding items to grids or to another parent so much easier. Simply select 1 or more items and hit Ctrl+C. Then elsewhere do Paste (or Paste > Special), select the InfoQube Items clipboard format to add the item(s)


    IQ Designer

    This is a great step forward towards Ecco-like simplicity in moving items around not just by drag and drop but by temporarily storing them on the clipboard. The dealbreaker for me is that it's not yet implemented for 'cut items' so that those could be moved somewhere else in the grid quickly by the same method. Right now it merely adds existing items in a second place without removing them from their original spot so it's not ideal for e. g. taking items from an inbox grid and then moving them where they are meant to go.

    Could you, pretty-please, add the same functionality for Ctrl-X / cut items? That would totally be the bee's knees!

    I noticed that when I select multiple items lasso-style by dragging via left-click in the header column, pressing Ctrl-C will pop up the Copy items... dialog, which does not happen when I use the keyboard, use Ctrl-Leftclick or Shift-Leftclick to select or when I press Ctrl-C a second time after cancelling the first dialog after the lasso-style selection.

    From that dialog, when I choose to copy the selected items plus their subitems as XML and call paste, the resulting dialog will offer both "InfoQube items in XML" and just "InfoQube items". Is this intentional / is there a difference?

    Also, I just noticed that there is an issue displaying the copy-/paste-related dialogs - the text next to the checkbox at the bottom is displayed incompletely in version 'm', see attached images.


    Hi Left,

    1. The Copy Special dialog shows up when the whole item is selected or when more than one column is selected. You can of course show it using the Copy Special command (Ctrl+Shift+C)
    2. There is some clean up to do indeed, but XML style is slower but works across IQBases. It also supports creating duplicates
    3. Could be a font size / DPI issue

    Hi IQ Users!

    v122o is now online:

    1. New: Properties pane: Forms can now show default values. Press Ctrl+Shift to view these
    2. Fixed: Doc pane: Opening the Doc pane did not initially show the focused item content
    3. Fixed: Properties pane: Drag-drop fields in forms changed the window scroll position


    IQ Designer

    I upgraded from Ver I to Ver M.

    With Ver M my keyboard direction arrows (Up - Down) would occasionally stop working until I exited and restarted IQ

    I could not discover a repeatable situation - sorry.  It seemed to happened quite randomly.

    I fell back to version I and all seems stable.

    I will install Ver o today and report back.


    Hi Maxbear,

    2 questions:

    1. Is the keyboard issue happening in the grid or the Doc pane?
    2. If it's in the grid, is it occurring when the Doc pane is closed?

    IQ Designer

    In v122p:

    1. New: Grid: Copy / Paste: IQ Item clipboard format now only shown for Paste Special
    2. Fixed: Forms dialog: Created, Home and Main Parent were not set correctly

    in v122q:

    1. New: Live-Search: Copy now adds the IQ Items clipboard format (can be used to add items to a new location)
    2. New: Database Repair: Empty Date Created value is now replaced with Modified Date
    3. Fixed: Grid: Delete item from this location did not work when item is a sub-item
    4. Fixed: Gantt: First week day was always Sunday
    5. Fixed: Live-Search: For the Search textbox, Cut / Copy / Paste / Undo shortcuts did not work
    6. Fixed: Live-Search: Whole word option did not always return all matches
    7. Fixed: Doc pane: Crash could occur when copying text (after showing the hyperlink context menu)


    IQ Designer 

    In v122r:

    1. New: Hyperlink dialog: Now resizable!
    2. Fixed: Grid: If some columns are hidden, header move up/down did not always work
    3. Fixed: Properties pane: children copy command did not work
    4. Fixed: Doc pane: Item text control was not updated correctly


    IQ Designer 

    In v122s:

    1. New: Reminders: multiple improvements
    2. New: If Backup on close is checked, closing a backup file no longer creates a backup. For time-stamped file, this could lead to long file names
    3. Fixed: Grid: Improved copy / paste from Outlook to IQ
    4. Fixed: Grid: Some operations did not work correctly when the grid source was a tag (as opposed to using a field as a source)


    IQ Designer 

    In v122t:

    1. New: Grid: Copy / paste from Outlook now has option to paste as sub-items
    2. Fixed: Doc pane: Improved text and back color


    IQ Designer 

    Hi IQ Users!

    In v122u:

    1. New: Grid: Mark as Done: Dialog shown when an items in the selection already have a value. Option to only update those without, option to clear all values
    2. New: Repeating events and tasks: Changing the Done date now shows a dialog to sets the date value to the next event instance (does not yet support repeat exceptions however)
    3. New: Calendar: Turns off the time scale when the day height is below a user-defined threshold (in px). Default=300, minimum=200
    4. New: Calendar: Left pane now shows an entry for yesterday's events
    5. New: Timeline view: Support for precision touchpads
    6. New: Live-Search: Search text now shows a dropdown list of previous searches
    7. Fixed: Timeline: Zoom in/out outside of the bars area did not work


    IQ Designer 

    Hi IQUsers!

    v122v is now online:

    1. Fixed: Calendar: If focus was on another application, scrolling did not update the display
    2. Fixed: Google Sync: Changing All Day to/from Scheduled events failed
    3. Fixed: Properties pane: Some smart fields were not updated correctly


    IQ Designer 

    Hi IQUsers!

    v122w is now online:

    1. New: Grid: Copy / Paste from Outlook: Email content is now imported into the Doc pane
    2. Fixed: Grid: Deleting the last sub-item did not remove the expand button
    3. Fixed: Grid: Drag-drop from Outlook did not always insert the item under the correct parent item
    4. Fixed: Grid: Paste as IQ Items: If a hoisted grid, now adds to the Hoist
    5. Fixed: Mark item as Done: Next Task Actions were not triggered
    6. Fixed: Live-Search: Drag-drop items to other UIs no longer worked
    7. Fixed: Live-Search: When focus is on the results grid, Ctrl+A did not select all items


    IQ Designer 

    Contribute to InfoQube Dev, for as little as $3.50 per month 🎁

    New: Grid: Copy / Paste from Outlook: Email content is now imported into the Doc pane

    Thank you so much for this feature. It is great!!
    Two very minor points:
    1. I create a new item and I am in edit mode. After pasting the Emails (it could be several) the items are invisible. They show up after I click somewhere in the grid. (I don't have this issue if I select the new item after creation instead of being in edit mode).
    2. Most E-mails get one or more black frames around the text in the Doc pane (they are not visible in the original E-mail).


    Thanks for tackling 2.

    However, I'm on v122w now and have somehow managed again to have a completely bereaved parent with open.ico still showing. Like I said, I've never been able to reproduce it, but it's not fully fixed yet.


    1. I'll exit out of edit mode when pasting as Outlook. This should fix this
    2. Blame the sender or MS. I just grab the content and put it in the Doc pane. You could select all > cut > paste as text if you don't want any formatting. If you can send me a sample IQBase with the extra frame, perhaps I can see if the content can be massaged. Also, try the Simplify Formatting command to see if it helps