Submitted by viking on 2023/01/27 20:25

In this example, I have two Ecco items; the first with two lines of text and the second with one line:

I copy and paste into IQ using the second option which states that 2 new items will be created:

After I paste into IQ, I have 3 items, where the first Ecco item is split into two:




I had put a threshold for the minimum number of tab characters before considering it as a valid tab-indented format.

If you have a longer list it should work correctly and propose the Tab-Indented clipboard format. I'll also remove the threshold

That is not the item format I have it in Ecco.

I have many, many items, that looks like this:

Hello and welcome! Are you new to InfoQube?

I'm a newcomer as well, and I wrote this guide to help someone like me who has no previous experience with InfoQube get up and running instead of getting stuck on the learning curve.

InfoQube can be intimidating because it can do so much. It's easier to start by doing something simple and getting a feel for how it works.

Here is a step-by-step guide to writing, organising, formatting and exporting an outline in InfoQube.
I use the keyboard a lot - we're in the middle of writing an outline after all - so this guide is full of keyboard shortcuts.

There are often other ways to do the same thing (menus, toolbar buttons, right-click, other panes) that I have skipped in this introduction.

Such a single item is broken up into several items when pasting into IQ.  Is there any way to avoid this?

EDIT: The only workaround that I have found is to copy/paste the Ecco items one-by-one and "Paste all lines into each of the selected item(s)" while selecting only one item in IQ. However, when doing this, the blank lines in the original Ecco item is removed.

Ecco clipboard content for multiline items is just plain weird...

  • Often, a LF character (chr 10) is used to indicate a change of line
  • In Ecco, the text is appended with 10 spaces and followed with the standard CR+LF (chr 13+10)

I'll ensure that the LF is handled correctly (I'm not sure it is currently). As for Ecco, perhaps an autohotkey script can to the translation for you

[edit] I may adopt Ecco's plain text format for outlines. It pastes well in plain text editors [/edit]

Step 1: See if the your LF fix will solve the issue.
if not, then
Step 2: Write AHK script to translate Ecco clipboard content so that it will work in IQ.

For Step 2, I will need to know how to convert the Ecco clipboard content so that it will work when pasting into IQ (copying multiple items where each item has multiple lines and line spacings).  I will thereafter need some help from an AHK expert to implement it.

I am getting inconsistent results. In some grids it pastes fine, in others not (I am pasting as Tab-indented Outline).
Here is an example grid where it pastes correctly:

In this grid it doesn't paste properly:


I don't know what the difference is between the grids...? Note that the items looks OK in the properties pane.

I will E-mail you the file with the two grids.

Note that the items looks OK in the properties pane.

Think about it... if the Properties pane shows it OK, do you really think it is an paste issue ? 😮 

Don't you think that is more a "display" setting... especially since each grid can have different display settings

Bug reports