Submitted by WayneK on 2022/10/27 08:50

I'm having trouble seeing my in-line hyperlinks created with ctrl-k.

1) Hyperlinks aren't underlined

Aren't hyperlinks supposed to be underlined?  Mine aren't and I can't add underlining manually.  Underlining does appear when I enter edit mode, but then disappears when I exit to regular view.

2) Hyperlinks lose text color when highlighted.

I tried making a hyperlink more visible by highlighting it.  When I do this, the hyperlink text color reverts to black and it looks like ordinary highlighted text.


Win10, 120Pre24


Hi Wayne,

In the next version:

  • New: Grid: Hyperlink format option: Supports the following HTML codes: <b>, <u>, <i> and <bgcolor=RRGGBB>


IQ Designer

I have also missed the underlining of hyperlinks (I have items with blue color that are not hyperlinks)

I hope that the hyperlinks will be underlined by default in the next version?

Sorry, I wasn't sure if you meant that there will be an option to format an existing hyperlink in the next version (like we can do now with an item).
I guess that you meant that there will be default program option here in the next version?:


Bug reports