Submitted by Pierre_Admin on 2014/02/28 15:53
Hi IQ Users,
In this release (v0.9.26PreRel16):
  • New: Calendar: Drag-drop items from a grid to the Calendar to create events. The event text is "Appt for ItemName" and is added as a sub-item
  • New: Calendar: Show Time Scale toggle. When set to off, events are shown as a single line. Similar to other calendars "Month view"
  • New: Calendar: Changing the Time Scale width show/hides the Time Scale
  • New: Calendar: Click on the Time Scale alternates between 4 display modes
  • New: Calendar: Events outside the current day view are shown in the top section, with all-day events. This way, events are always visible in the calendar.
  • New: Calendar: Press CTRL key while moving / sizing an event to disable snap to time grid (currently set to 15min increments)
  • New: Calendar options are now integrated into Tool > Options
  • New: Calendar: Current time marker now shown (similar to Google Calendar)
  • New: Show in Calendar / Remove from Calendar. Select one or more items. If selecting dates from a date field, will use that field. E.g. Can quickly add DueDates to the calendar
  • New: Grids: More options to control the display of tree lines
  • New: PivotTable/Charts: Option to select if pivot computes based on displayed items or items meeting the grid source. Right-click on blank area to select
  • Improved: Options: Changing grid line settings updates all opened grids. No re-open necessary
  • Fixed: Grids: Click Exclude on column filter of a numeric column hangs application
  • Fixed: Events created from a date field of an item that has no time (i.e. just a date) were not set to be all-day events
  • Fixed: If a date-value of an item is shown in the Calendar, the Edit Event did not open
  • Fixed: Windows shortcut files (.lnk) now open correctly when Tools > Options > Program Settings > Other > "Show Open With... when launching links" is checked. User CTRL key to force display of Open With dialog
  • Fixed: PivotTable/Charts: If Grid > Properties > Other > Grid Visible to other Application is not checked, pivot did not show proper data
And, usual, enjoy an additional 90 days of free use !
IQ Designer


Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

>New: Calendar: Drag-drop items from a grid to the Calendar to create events. The event text is "Appt for ItemName" and is added as a sub-item
Works well; I like it. Great for contacts, etc.
(Great especially since it keeps the flexibility to still choose any item an make it an appointment *as is* anyway : right click, show in calendar -- which just assigns a date time through the appointments field)
>New: Calendar: Show Time Scale toggle. When set to off, events are shown as a single line. Similar to other calendars "Month view"
>New: Calendar: Changing the Time Scale width show/hides the Time Scale
Ok, I see this is in the options (tools>options). Cool.
I like the fact that we can configure work time and date-time scale.
>New: Calendar: Click on the Time Scale alternates between 4 display modes
Works well, nice.
>New: Calendar: Events outside the current day view are shown in the top section, with all-day events. This way, events are always visible in the calendar.
Very convenient, great idea! I don’t think I recall seeing that elsewhere.
>New: Calendar: Press CTRL key while moving / sizing an event to disable snap to time grid (currently set to 15min increments)
I like it. However, Ctrl + left click drag is usually used to copy events (in outlook and other calendars, file managers, etc.)... Maybe another key combination... Alt+left click + drag ?
>New: Calendar: Current time marker now shown (similar to Google Calendar)
Note sure I get this one...??
>New: Show in Calendar / Remove from Calendar. Select one or more items. If selecting dates from a date field, will use that field. E.g. Can quickly add DueDates to the calendar
Yup! Works well. I can see various usages...
>New: Grids: More options to control the display of tree lines
I like it. I'm currently trying the thick line... Everybody else: this is in Tools>Options>Program settings>Grids
The other fixes seem to work.
And there are some hidden things like… 
- the new "rebuild" DB when repair DB is invoked. My DB wasn't broken but I tried it and the process went smoothly and seemed to work well! 
- The filter list (in the source bar) now scrolls and shows much more than 50 lines! Thanks for that.
-       Popups telling us that the grids are loading -- presumably for those slow grids/ slow computers...
-  and... probably other things I haven,t noticed yet...
That's it for now.  Have a nice holiday!
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz