Submitted by jimspoon on 2014/01/30 01:42
How about a filter builder like the one contained in LibreOffice Calc, shown below?


That would be heaven
Would completely open up IQ usage for me...

Thanks for bringing this back to the forefront, Jim.
For most users (not comfortable with SQL like syntax), yes this would be good. There are a few other applications that use a similar system, like EndNote, Media Monkey, etc.
PS: That plus the ability to more properly comment/name filters for future reference/reuse (regarding this last point, note that it's already possible to comment a filter in the source bar, using 2 dashes after the main filter part; unfortunately, if there's a second par to the filter, for subitems, it looks a bit weird**).
** E.g. (note the 2 dashes in yellow; the actual filter is red; the comment is black and bolded):
That comment looks OK:
item like "*Test*" -- THIS IS THE COMMENT explaining that this filter will look for all items with the word TEST in them
That comment looks weird as the subitems part is after the comment. I got used to it whough:
item like "*Test*" -- THIS IS THE COMMENT explaining that this filter will look for all items with the word TEST in them | check is null
Windows 8
Sony Vaio S Series 13 (SVS131E21L)
Ram:8gb, CPU: Intel i5-3230M, 2.6ghz

Can I suggest the possibility to set as filter the content of an indicated field? It would be useful in relational db management

Bump !!  Just wondering whether anyone else would like to see a Filter Builder such as this one, as much as I would?
It would provide a good way to construct multiple condition filters without the need to remember how to get the SQL exactly right.  Plus it would provide a nice way to see and adjust the current filter, all in one place.

Bump!!  Just wondering whether anyone else would like to see a Filter Builder such as this one, as much as I would?
Yes.  Whenever Pierre has the opportunity to do something like this it would be incredible.
Perhaps such a capability could also be an adjunct to a more advanced "Views" capability.  That is, the ability to select from a number of memorized views for grids.  Each view could simultaneously activate several different filters, grouping and sorting.  Now is where Pierre usually responds telling me there is already a way to do that .