Submitted by Armando on 2010/02/09 01:29
Hi Pierre,
"Comments" delimiters for filters, etc. were proposed a while ago (and I can't find where and when).
Since named filters aren't there yet, could some delimiters be defined for comments in filters (so that users can easily name filters, and identify them easily without having to interpret them each time -- which can be a bit of a challenge for very complex ones : e.g. :((zztask or task) and (  ( ((urgency >= 0  or urgency is null or (due-now<1)) and followupdate is null) or (due is null and followupdate is null) or (followupdate-now<1) )   AND  (done is null)  )) and xmo is null and solution is null and (ABCD_priority not like "D" or ABCD_priority is null) and EnAttente is null )
As you know, SQL uses  "--"  for simple comments, or /*  */ for bracketed comments. Something like the bracketed comments  would be good as it would allow the user to place the comment at the end or at the beginning of an expression.
Thanks for considering this.